Hardware Approach,
Software Approach
and System Approach
By : Sr. Bincy K. Mathew
Physical Science
1.1 Definition
of Educational Technology
Scope of Educational Technology
1.3 Objectives of Educational Technology
2.1 Hardware
2.2 Software
2.3 System
Hardware Approach,
Software Approach and System Approach
This is the age of technology. Its
influence is being reflected in all productive endeavors. Education, being a
developmental endeavour aiming at raising the level of productivity of a
nation, has been very much influenced by the message of technology. Educational
Technology is an approach helpful to improve and innovate education, and
vitalize the teaching learning process. It makes education more productive and
more individualistic. It gives instruction a scientific base, makes instruction
more powerful, makes learning more immediate and provides equal access to
in Education is the application of technology to any process of educational
enterprises. It is a process of using the technological advancement in terms of
various equipments, materials, and machines for educational purposes. It
involves the increasingly complex range of audiovisual equipment, sophisticated
electronic devices like projectors, films, radio, TV, tape recorder, computers
etc for individualized and group learning. Even when we consider educational
technology as an approach leading to productive education, we should not under
estimate the application of modern technological gadgets like the computer, LCD
projector, internet facilities etc in the field of teaching –learning
instruction. Such application of technological machines in education is often
conceived as ‘Technology
in Education.’
1.1 Definition
of Educational Technology
Technology defined as development, application, and evaluation of systems,
techniques, and aids to improve the process of human learning” - NCERT
“Educational Technology may be defined
as the application of the law as well as recent discoveries of science and
technology to the process of education”
- S.S. Kulkarni
Technology is the application of scientific method and techniques to education”
- B.P Lulla
Scope of Educational Technology
Ø Spelling out Educational goals and
Help for the formulation of objectives and goals of education based on individualized and social needs.
Help for the formulation of objectives and goals of education based on individualized and social needs.
Ø Curriculum Development.
Planning of curricular and co-curricular inputs in order to realize planned goals and objectives.
Planning of curricular and co-curricular inputs in order to realize planned goals and objectives.
Ø Developing Teaching-Learning
materials and Resources.
Develops necessary learning materials in the form of programmed learning books, computer learning packages, mass media instruction, individualized self-instructional packages etc.
Develops necessary learning materials in the form of programmed learning books, computer learning packages, mass media instruction, individualized self-instructional packages etc.
Ø Developing Human resources.
Educational Technology covers the area of teacher education.
Educational Technology covers the area of teacher education.
Ø Developing Strategies.
Teaching strategies, approaches and methods are devised and developed catering to different types of students.
Teaching strategies, approaches and methods are devised and developed catering to different types of students.
Ø Developing Multi-Sensory Aids.
Design, development of audio visual aids.
Design, development of audio visual aids.
Ø Feedback Mechanism and Modification.
Educational Technology develops tool of evaluation to provide feedback.
Educational Technology develops tool of evaluation to provide feedback.
Ø Develops Passive Instruction
Educational radio, TV, computers are used for transmitting information. They are passive services since all decisions are in the hands of the providers, i.e., what to be presented, for how long, in what sequence and when.
Educational radio, TV, computers are used for transmitting information. They are passive services since all decisions are in the hands of the providers, i.e., what to be presented, for how long, in what sequence and when.
Ø Develops Interactive Instruction
ET tries to provide opportunities for the learner to control the pace, mode of presentation etc. eg. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Teleconferencing via Internet etc.
ET tries to provide opportunities for the learner to control the pace, mode of presentation etc. eg. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Teleconferencing via Internet etc.
Ø Develops Learning Environments.
ET develops learning environment that are learner friendly. Eg. Simulation
ET develops learning environment that are learner friendly. Eg. Simulation
Ø Developing Information Resources.
ET bridging the gap between developments in Information Technology and Education. Information Resources : Eg. E-libraries, On line encyclopedia, World Wide Web,
ET bridging the gap between developments in Information Technology and Education. Information Resources : Eg. E-libraries, On line encyclopedia, World Wide Web,
Ø Develops Communication Devices.
ET has developed communication devices for students who have mental capability to communicate, but are not able to speak.
ET has developed communication devices for students who have mental capability to communicate, but are not able to speak.
Ø To Reduce the Burden of Teachers.
ET supports the teacher in Teaching Learning Process
ET supports the teacher in Teaching Learning Process
1.3 Objectives of Educational Technology
Ø Transmitting information
Ø Assisting the practice of specific
Ø Contribution to the provision of
Ø The need to reach out to maximum
number of students.
Ø To offer greater opportunities for
independent study.
Ø To design, modify and develop
appropriate equipment/aids suitable and relevant to the educational process.
Ø To identify the educational needs of
the learner.
Ø To identify the necessary teaching
learning materials.
Ø To plan teaching strategies, models
and methods as per the need and objectives.
Ø To evaluate the effectiveness of
teaching strategy in terms of learning outcomes.
Ø To provide appropriate feedback to
student as well as teachers.
Ø To modify the teaching learning
process on the basis of feedback received.
Lemsdein (1964) has classified educational technology into three types or
approaches. This is a Three-Tier Approaches to Educational Technology
* Hardware Approach * Software Approach * System Approach
2.1 Hardware
Ø This approach implies the use of
mechanical materials and equipments in education.
Ø This approach originated from
Physical Science and engineering.
Ø Using technology in the process of
Ø This approach is a byproduct of the
scientific and technological developments of the 20th century.
Ø In this approach the main feature is
the use of audiovisual aids like charts, models, filmstrips, slides,
audiocassettes, and sophisticated equipments like film projectors, OHP, slide
projector, radio, tape recorder, LCD projector, CD players, DVD Players, TV,
computer etc.
Ø This help for knowledge explosion.
Ø Helps in reaching out to large
numbers and hence help in reducing expenses.
Ø It leads to an overall efficiency in
the educational system.
Ø It adopts a Product-oriented
Ø Hardware Technology utilizes the products of
Software Technology [such as teaching strategies, teaching learning material,
etc.] for its functioning.
Ø Hardware technology has the potential to hand
over the educational benefits to the mass with greater ease and economy.
2.2 Software Approach
Ø It is sometimes referred to as
Teaching Technology, Instructional Technology or Behavior Technology
Ø This approach implies the use of
Psychological principles and learning theories in education.
Ø Originated from Behavioural Science.
Ø It is characterized by task analysis,
writing objectives in behavioural terms, selection of appropriate learning
strategies, reinforcement of correct responses and constant evaluation.
Ø In software approach, the Psychology
of Learning is exploited for the production and utilization of software
techniques and materials in terms of learning materials, teaching-learning
strategies, tools of evaluation and other devices to soften and smoothen the
task of teaching and learning.
Ø It includes Teaching Strategies,
Learning Material, Evaluation Tools, Teaching Models, and Programmed
Instruction etc.
Ø It is a Process-oriented Approach.
2.3 System
Ø System approach is a systematic way
of designing, implementation and evaluation of a process in terms of its
desired objectives.
Ø System Approach involves accurate
identification of the requirement of problem.
Ø System Approach is the setting of
objectives after identifying their needs in performance-oriented terms.
Ø It is the application of logic and
analysis of techniques to the problems.
Ø It is the development of methods for
the solution of the problems and rigorous measurement of the product against
specific performance objectives.
Ø Education is considered a complex
organization of technical, managerial and institutional systems. Classroom,
faculty, student groups, informal groups, etc. are other subsystem within. The
instructional system has three parts: The Instructor, the Learner, and the
goals of Instruction. The System- Approach to education, thus, considers
education as an Input-Output System.
to the view of Davies and Hartley education should be considered a system in
which man, machines, methods, media and materials (5M’s) are inter related
parts. These parts are organized in such a way that they work together in a
per-planned manner for the fulfillment of specified educational objectives.
Scientific inventions have influenced every aspect of human life and in the
field of Education too. The modern technology is being used frequently in our
teaching process and is employed to fulfill the three functions of education such
as preservation, transmission and renewal of human culture. All these are made
possible in the Education through hardware, software and system approach of
educational technology.
Important Questions
1. What are the different approaches in
educational technology? (5 marks question from April 2014)
2. How can the system approach be
applied to education? Discuss it in the light of the major steps involved. (8 marks question from April 2011)
3. What is the scope of educational
technology? Distinguish between hardware
and software. (4marks question from April 2012)
4. List the advantages of Educational
Technology. (5 marks question from April 2010)
1. K. Sivarajan, Trends and Developments in Educational Practices, Calicut University Publication,
Calicut, 2007.
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